Rous Lench Focus

The Rous Lench Focus Group is concerned with the heritage and protection of a Traditional Orchard in the village.The Parish of Rous Lench comprises two settlements, being the village of Rous Lench and the hamlet of Radford. Rous Lench lies some six miles to the North of Evesham and has a history that can be traced back to Saxon times.The parish residents have long supported continued preservation of the local landscape, its wildlife, natural habitats and biodiversity. Of particular concern for many residents is the decline of traditional orchards in a county with a rich fruit-growing heritage, and the wider effect on habitats for pollinating insects.


Mar 2022: There is one current application . The addition of a Day Room (21/02553/FUL)Please join the mailing list to receive news, updates and documents. CLICK HERE

Action Fund

Thank you for all the very generous contributions to the Action Fund.


The Objective of the Rous Lench Focus Group
The Rous Lench Focus Group is concerned with the heritage and protection of a Traditional Orchard in the village. The orchard is over 170 years old and was a managed and fully productive orchard until 2007. In 2008 it was entered on the Traditional Orchard Inventory held by Natural England. This inventory is curated by The People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) and the orchard is registered as ID WORC0726.
PTES confirm that the orchard is a site of Principal Importance, also known as a Priority Habitat. Veteran fruit trees are particularly important for their habitat value for certain species of insects, nesting birds and bat roosts. The orchard is also a suitable habitat for the noble chafer beetle and other protected species such as newts.Traditional Orchards became a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority Habitat as part of the BAP review completed in 2007. The Worcestershire Biodiversity Action Plan 2008 recognised the special habitat status of the orchard that is also subject to the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.The whole orchard is also covered by a Tree Preservation Order issued by Wychavon District Council in 2018.

Formation of Rous Lench Focus Group
There have been numerous planning applications in recent years seeking to change the use of or develop the Orchard.
At a Parish Council meeting in April 2018, the current owners’ planning consultant presented proposals to village residents to develop the Traditional Orchard that would include building works for a caravan site with further plans for a bungalow.At the end of this meeting, parishioners gathered to discuss how they could work together to protect the Traditional Orchard for future generations.Rous Lench Focus Group was formed as a result of these discussions. The group has over 80 members made up of local residents who make voluntary contributions. A small team of volunteers is in place to co-ordinate activities, ensure effective use of funds and seek expert guidance as required to protect the orchard and its wildlife.The group has also formed contacts with organisations such as The People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).

Planning Applications

There is quite some history of applications for residential use on the Orchard land.

Date of applicationRef/LinkSummaryStatus
23 Feb 2023W/23/00321/FULAdditional two static caravans and two day rooms to form three pitchesPending
28 Feb 202321/00712/FUL (Appeal)New two bedroom bungalow and trackAppeal Started 28 Feb 2023
25 Nov 202121/02764/CUChange of Use, and variation re named occupants of the siteApproved
10 Nov 202121/02553/FULNew day room & re-positioning of existing caravanApproved
12 May 202121/00770/FULWiden Driveway and replace gates (Retrospective)Refusal
07 May 202121/00712/FULNew two bedroom bungalow and trackREFUSAL 20 Dec 2021
11 Jun 201919/00458/CUChange of Use from dis-used orchard, 4x Gypsy / Traveller pitches.REFUSAL. Appeal also refused. Link to appeal decision
4 Sep 201818/00398/FULNew BungalowWithdrawn
10 Apr 201818/00397/CUChange of Use from dis-used orchard, 6x Gypsy / Traveller pitches.REFUSAL 01 Jun 2018
4 Sep 201818/00398/FULRemoval of existing dwelling and ancillary buildings and construction of new bungalow.Withdrawn

Get In Touch

Please click the Envelope or THIS LINK to join our mailing list on Mailchimp.
Suggestion: Each member of your household can join the mailing list separately using their own email address. This is recommended because any electronic votes are cast per email address.

To discuss the project or to ask any questions, please email [email protected]

Tel: 01386 896118       (Calls to this number are recorded).

rouslenchforus.orgRous Lench Focus is not affiliated with Parish or County Councils, or any business or organisation.
It is entirely independent and is comprised of volunteers.
© 2018. All rights reserved.

Thank You